08:06 hrs, In a new city

Well, city might be a stretch. It’s more of a town that’s still in the process of becoming a city. And into this confusing mass of cement and flesh, I moved!

Well, again it’s a stretch to say that I moved into the city… because the school that I got into is about 25-odd km away from that place. But, I can’t​ bring myself to care. Because I’m getting to start my residency in psychiatry and I don’t really want to look beyond that.

Beyond that, you see, is a shitty room at an exorbitant price, weather that melts my face off and my car that I left behind at home. 

So, let’s not think too much, I tell myself as I get dressed this morning. Let’s ignore the running nose that I developed last night due to the amount of dust in my new room, let’s ignore the fact that I think a bout of gastritis is just round the corner and let’s also ignore the butterflies and excitement in my belly as I head to the first day of work.

Wish me luck πŸ™‚


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